Meet Wendy: Reviving her active lifestyle after 20 years of back pain
After experiencing a lower back injury, Wendy spent almost 20 years in and out of chiropractic care. Unfortunately, no treatment provided long-term relief, and over time, her discomfort only worsened. She started developing pain in other areas of her back, and daily living became a struggle.
Wendy had always lived a very active lifestyle, and it was discouraging to give up activities she loved - like competitive skydiving - due to her excruciating pain. So when a friend recommended that she visit Carolina NeuroSurgery & Spine Associates (CNSA) to see what treatment they could offer, she gladly accepted.

“I've been an athlete for most of my life and have recently stepped away from competitive skydiving, which is one of my favorite things to do. It’s very difficult for me to be a couch potato, so I knew that I needed to get my pain under control so I could live my best life going forward.”
Wendy’s Journey to Pain Relief
Coming to CNSA, Wendy was hopeful that she could manage her pain without medication and focus on rehabilitation. She met with a great team of physiatrists, tried their recommended exercises, and even had a few rounds of epidurals, all with no significant relief.
That’s when she met with Dr. Julian Willoughby, MD, MPH, who explained that her issues were severe and that they required more extensive treatment – she had compressed discs, degenerative discs, stenosis, and arthritis. Wendy was hesitant to undergo complicated surgeries for her pain, so Dr. Willoughby spent a lot of time talking with Wendy about other treatment options that may work for her.
“He listened to what I had to say and didn’t dismiss my questions and concerns. He explained to me in clear terms what my issues were, and we discussed all the possible treatment options. I felt very informed and comforted.”
Wendy and Dr. Willoughby determined that the best course of action was a radiofrequency ablation (RFA). She underwent the procedure once in the past, which provided relief for a few months – but her pain returned. But Dr. Willoughby has put a plan into place to manage her pain long term with a combination of repeat RFA as needed, medications, and therapeutic exercise.
During their conversation, Dr. Willoughby shared that he also struggles with back pain. Wendy was thankful for his openness and transparency, which helped her feel confident that Dr. Willoughby understood her pain. She knew it was the right choice if he was recommending this procedure.
About Radiofrequency Ablations
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is often used to treat long-term chronic pain conditions, especially in the lower back, neck, and arthritic joints. It is usually considered for people who—like Wendy—haven’t found relief through other methods. Because an RFA is a precise procedure, most patients remain awake during it.
To start, a doctor will identify the target area causing their patient’s pain and then apply a local anesthetic. They will then insert a probe-like radiofrequency needle into the body, using X-rays or ultrasound to guide it to the right area. Once they have found the correct spot, the doctor will send an electrical current into the nerve, which will ultimately damage the nerve enough to stop it from sending pain signals to the brain.
Most people recover from an RFA in a few days and usually feel relief for 3 to 12 months. RFAs are often performed several times to manage pain consistently.
Life Without Physical Constraints
After Wendy’s RFA, she felt significantly better. For now, her pain is minimal, and she plans to revisit Dr. Willoughby for another RFA when and if the need arises. Wendy is grateful to have found a doctor who understood her pain and truly listened to her.
“When I found out Dr. Willoughby also had a back issue, I was saddened but also assured because that meant he could sympathize. And I feel that makes him a better physician. He is walking in our shoes and has the desire, knowledge, and means to help.”
Currently, Wendy is looking forward to starting a new stage of life and checking a few boxes off her bucket list.
“With early retirement in the near future, I want to be sure that I am able to do most of the things that my plan includes – like RVing across the country, hiking, fishing, and white-water rafting. Hopefully, more activities will be added to the list as I travel.”
After so many years of debilitating pain, Wendy is determined to make the future as pain-free and full of life as possible. She is grateful to Dr. Willoughby and the team at CNSA for helping her make great strides toward this goal.
“My life was not meant to be lived under physical constraints, and I will do my best to avoid it being that way. I can’t thank CNSA enough for all of their help!”
Manage your pain at CNSA
Carolina Neurosurgery and Spine Associates offers comprehensive brain and spine care services for adult and pediatric patients. Our excellent team of neurologists, physiatrists, physical therapists, and pain management specialists are here to help find the right way to manage your pain. To get started, schedule an appointment online and contact us with any questions.
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. New and current patients can call our offices to make an appointment or request an appointment online
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